



testing, assessment, test tasks, education, higher education students, general education disciplines


In this research paper, the role of testing in the formation and assessment of students’ academic achievements is thoroughly analyzed, along with the impact of technologies on enhancing the objectivity and reliability of this process. The paper explores modern methods of creating test tasks, their role in developing key competencies, and the use of tests in various forms of education. It emphasizes the significance of testing as an effective tool for determining the level of knowledge acquisition by higher education students. Within the analysis of testing and assessment of academic achievements in higher education, the process of constructing test tasks is examined in detail, taking into account the requirements of modern pedagogical technologies. The paper discusses the effective use of tests to measure the level of knowledge, skills, and competencies. An analysis of the challenges and advantages of using tests in higher education is conducted, and possibilities for their improvement for a better determination of academic achievements of higher education students are explored. The research also considers the prospects of applying innovative technologies in the field of testing and their influence on increasing the objectivity and relevance of assessment. The conclusions and recommendations presented in the paper may be valuable for educators and instructors interested in enhancing assessment systems and utilizing testing technologies in higher education. In the article, the issue of testing, particularly in the field of education, is analyzed as a means of measuring and evaluating learning achievements. Special attention is given to the development of objective assessment methods that take into account not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills and critical thinking. The article examines the challenges faced by higher education institutions in implementing modern testing methods, and recommendations are proposed for enhancing this process to ensure quality education and alignment with the needs of the contemporary job market. The article emphasizes the importance of ensuring fair and diverse assessment that considers the individual characteristics of students and contributes to their development. It highlights the role of educators in the assessment process and underscores the necessity for continuous improvement of assessment methods to meet the requirements of the modern educational paradigm.


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How to Cite

Pantsyr, Y. I., & Semenyshena, R. V. (2024). TESTING AND ASSESSING STUDENTS’ LEARNING ACHIEVEMENTS IN TEACHING GENERAL TECHNICAL DISCIPLINES. Professional and Applied Didactics, (1), 13–18. https://doi.org/10.37406/2521-6449/2024-1-2

