model, components, environment, competence, specialist, agricultural engineering, experimentAbstract
One of the key elements of professional competence is information and communication readiness, which determines the ability of future agricultural technology specialists to effectively communicate and cooperate in an agricultural environment with colleagues and managers. This is especially important for mandatory components of professional training, such as disciplines: “Innovative technologies for the production of agricultural products”, “Agrarian service and information support”, “Methods of scientific research”, “Analysis of technological systems”, “Modeling of technological processes and systems” and others, which are the most universal basic disciplines. The goal is to provide fundamental theoretical and practical training of highly qualified personnel who will receive in-depth professional knowledge to perform professional tasks and duties of a scientific, research and innovative nature in the field of agricultural engineering. Obtaining the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge, abilities, skills and other competencies required for solving problems and developing new ideas in the field of agricultural engineering, operation and maintenance of agricultural machinery is an important goal of professional training. The training of specialists who have the ability to develop and use modern technologies in the creation, operation and repair of objects of agricultural machinery is also important. In addition, conducting theoretical and practical scientific research contributes to the possibility of obtaining a higher (educational and scientific) level, as well as the acquisition of initial skills in pedagogical activities, etc. The purpose of this study is to develop a model for the introduction of information and communication competence of future agricultural engineering specialists into the educational process of agricultural higher educational institutions for the purpose of forming and developing their professional training. The conducted pedagogical experiment confirmed that the implementation of pedagogical conditions and the implementation of experimental methods of formation of informational and communicative competence of future agricultural engineering specialists in the process of professional training made it possible to achieve significant changes in the levels of formation of the studied phenomenon in the experimental group compared to the control group.
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