


information and communication technologies; learning process; chemical disciplines


The information and communication technologies occupy an important place in the organization of the educational process, as they make it possible to technologically organize the educational process at a modern level, while taking into account the specifics of discipline, its educational and practical goals. When teaching natural sciences, in particular chemistry, the use of information technologies allows to intensify the educational process, accelerate the transfer of knowledge and experience, as well as improve the quality of training and education. The search and implementation of new approaches to the educational process, new methods, forms of presentation of educational information in the teaching of biological chemistry and chemical disciplines led to the use of information and communication technologies designed to significantly increase the motivation to study chemical and other natural sciences, increase the level of individualization of education, intensify the process training, increase students’ interest and level of knowledge in studying the subject. The study and analysis of problems in the educational process allows you to create conditions for the meaningful transfer of knowledge and skills to raise the level of the educational process as a whole. By comparing the publications of methodological publications with the conditions that have developed in the educational work of specific specialties, taking into account the practical experience of improving the educational process, the peculiarities of the chemical training of students of higher education at our institution have been determined. Information technologies are of particular importance in the period of remote organization of the educational process. n this case, the new developments of scientific and pedagogical workers come in handy when teaching lecture material and especially conducting laboratory-practical classes, since in the absence of opportunities to conduct a classroom experiment, it is always possible to visualize it with the help of computer technologies and provide complete information about the interaction of substances with advance prepared video.


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How to Cite

Koval, T. V., Krachan, T. M., & Yamborak, R. S. (2024). INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN TEACHING BIOCHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL DISCIPLINES. Professional and Applied Didactics, (1), 48–51.

