physical education, school, student, motivationAbstract
The article deals with physical education as an essential and organic part of educational work and as a part of the system of humanization of higher education institutions, providing not only physical training but also physical perfection. Physical education in these circumstances serves as a value factor of influencing on the level of personal development and implemented in a variety of activities. Current educational paradigm is standardized, learning in higher education has exhausted all its possibilities to help resolve the problems of high school, in particular, humanization of social links. This led to the fact that the modern Physical Education of the student depends on personal approach without standards. It doesn’t contribute to the formation and development of personality. Analysis of the dynamics of motives and attitudes of students towards physical education indicates the significant changes in athletic achievement and motivational sphere. This is due to several socio-cultural factors: a) increasing workload; b) changes in personal life; c) the lack of various forms and methods of training (in winter it is gymnastics, in autumn and in spring – Athletics).
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