information and communication competence, agricultural engineering, organizational and pedagogical conditions, educational process, integration of technologies, electronic resources, distance learning, interactive methods, critical thinking, professional training, educational environment, competitiveness of graduatesAbstract
The article examines organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of information and communication competence of future agricultural engineering specialists. The key aspects affecting the development of this competence are identified, in particular: the integration of modern information technologies into the educational process, the creation of a favorable educational environment, the development of critical thinking and teamwork skills. The purpose of this study is to study and analyze the organizational and pedagogical conditions that contribute to the formation of information and communication competence (ICC) of future agricultural engineering specialists. The main tasks arising from this goal include: identification of key components of the ICC, evaluation of existing training programs, identification of effective training methods, development of recommendations, evaluation of the impact on readiness for the profession. Emphasis is placed on the importance of the practical use of information and communication technologies in the teaching of agricultural engineering, which contributes to the improvement of the quality of education and the competitiveness of graduates on the labor market. The article provides recommendations on the implementation of interactive learning methods, the use of electronic resources and platforms for distance learning, as well as the importance of professional training of teachers. The results of the research can be useful for educational institutions training specialists in the field of agricultural engineering, as well as for the development of new training programs oriented to the modern requirements of the labor market.
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