evolution of teaching methods, higher education, innovative technologies, problem-based learning, information technologies, personalized learning, soft skills, virtual reality, artificial intelligenceAbstract
The article is devoted to studying the evolution of teaching methods in higher education, which reflects the multifaceted process of changes occurring in society, science, economics, and technology. The transformations accompanying the modern world, including the development of digital technologies, require the higher education system to adopt new approaches to teaching and training professionals. The paper examines the key stages of pedagogical method development: from traditional lectures and seminars to modern innovative technologies that provide new opportunities to enhance the educational process and foster students’ personal and professional competencies. The article analyzes teaching methods that emerged under the influence of historical events, such as the Industrial Revolution, which stimulated the implementation of laboratory and practical sessions. The impact of the emergence of problem-based learning (PBL) in the mid-20th century, which encouraged active student engagement and the development of critical thinking skills and real-world problem-solving abilities, is also explored. The advent of the internet in the 1990s initiated the digital transformation of education, opening new horizons for distance and online learning. Modern learning platforms, such as Coursera and Moodle, offer flexibility and personalization of the learning process, allowing educational programs to be adapted to meet students’ needs. The article also discusses innovative approaches that have emerged in recent decades: blended learning, the use of artificial intelligence to create personalized learning paths, virtual laboratories, and simulations. These methods allow students to interact more deeply with the material, model complex situations, and acquire practical skills. Special attention is given to the importance of developing soft skills such as creativity, communication, and teamwork, which are in high demand in the modern job market. Thus, the evolution of teaching methods in higher education demonstrates the gradual adaptation of the educational process to modern conditions, contributing to the preparation of specialists capable of continuous self-improvement and lifelong learning. Prospects for the development of teaching methods involve further implementation of artificial intelligence technologies, machine learning, and global networking, which broaden access to knowledge and create new opportunities for personalized education. This research may be useful for teachers, researchers, and educational institutions aiming to ensure effective student preparation to meet the needs of the modern information society and a dynamic labor market.
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