



dyslexia, educational accessibility inclusive education, learning difficulties, academic support, Ukraine, international experience


Dyslexia is a neurological disorder characterized by persistent difficulties in reading and writing, affecting millions globally, with estimates ranging from 50 to 100 million people in the European Union alone. In the United States, approximately 15 to 20 percent of schoolchildren exhibit some degree of dyslexia symptoms. This condition primarily manifests as challenges in recognizing the order of letters in words, which can hinder reading fluency and comprehension. While typical students may overcome these difficulties by the end of the first grade, individuals with dyslexia often face such challenges throughout their educational journeys. This paper explores the experiences of various countries in addressing dyslexia and analyzes the specific measures being implemented in Ukraine to create accessible educational environments for all students. Historically, the understanding of dyslexia has evolved from early medical hypotheses, which attributed reading difficulties to brain damage or visual impairments, to contemporary interpretations focusing on phonological processing and linguistic factors. Research highlights that poor reading abilities stem from deficits in phonological word processing rather than visual issues, emphasizing the need for phonetic skills and morphological knowledge in reading development. With the rise of specialists such as speech therapists and pathologists, significant strides have been made in supporting individuals with dyslexia. Effective coping strategies and appropriate educational resources are essential for fostering high academic aspirations and self-esteem among these students. By learning from international best practices and focusing on inclusive educational frameworks, Ukraine can enhance support systems for students with dyslexia, ensuring equitable access to quality education and promoting a culture of understanding and acceptance in the academic community.


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How to Cite

Chaikovska, O. V. (2024). ENHANCING EDUCATIONAL ACCESSIBILITY FOR STUDENTS WITH DYSLEXIA IN UKRAINE AND BEYOND. Professional and Applied Didactics, (2), 61–64. https://doi.org/10.37406/2521-6449/2024-2-10

