


the coach's personality, rowing, abilities, skills


Modern sports require considerable abilities from a coach. He must possess the entire arsenal of modern knowledge, take into account psychological, social, material and technical and all other aspects of an athlete's training. Athletes' success largely depends on the coach's personality – his knowledge, pedagogical talent, authority, will, and ability to think creatively. In recent years, research has been intensively conducted, where the main object of attention is the personality of the coach, many works have been devoted to the personality of the sports coach. In the process of psychological and pedagogical activity, when the coach performs his functions and builds relationships with a large number of people, he relies on relevant principles, takes into account his personal qualities, chooses certain forms and methods that he uses to solve the tasks. In the educational process of athletes, the future development of children, both athletes and individuals in general, largely depends on the personality of the coach, his behavior, life principles and attitudes. Various factors influence a high sports result. They include the athlete's innate talents and abilities; athlete's motivation to achieve high results; good material and technical equipment, equipment; medical and biological control; the personality of the coach (his abilities, character, attitudes, experience. The relevance of the study is due to the growing interest in studying the personality of the coach, it is important to understand the issue of the contribution of the personality of the coach to the achievement of the sports result of the athlete, and it is also important to determine the characteristics of the personality and professional activity of the rowing coach.The purpose of the work is to study the personality of the rowing coach, as a factor in increasing the efficiency of the process of training rowers. To solve the tasks, the following research methods were used: study, analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature, documentary data, Internet materials; sociological survey (questionnaire); methods of mathematical statistics (method of information and data grouping, correlation analysis). Work results. It has been proven that for successful coaching activity, the coach must possess such abilities as didactic, gnostic and academic. It was found that most of the abilities of rowing coaches are developed at the average and below average levels. Characteristic features of the personality and professional activity of a rowing coach are revealed.


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How to Cite

Mischak, O. I., Serheiv, A. Y., Lytvyn, S. V., & Pidlisnyi, D. H. (2024). STUDY OF THE ROWING COACH’S PERSONALITY AS A FACTOR IN INCREASING THE EFFICIENCY OF TRAINING ROWERS. Professional and Applied Didactics, (2), 84–89.

