physical culture and sports activity, physical education, fitness technologies, preschool, preventionAbstract
Having based on the analysis and systematization of literary sources the article has been established that in Ukraine the physical culture and sports activity of preschool children is decreasing rapidly. The use of traditional forms and methods of physical education of preschool children is still not focused on the prevention of deviations from the norm and does not contribute to the active prevention of functional disorders, chronic diseases and the achievement of full physical development and fitness. Therefore, there is a need to develop the contents, organizational and methodological foundations and ways of introducing modern fitness technologies into the practice of preschool physical education. To maintain children's interest in physical exercise, it is necessary to take into account their individual capabilities, including in the classes those exercises that all children can do. It is necessary to build the lesson in an interesting form, then the children will have a desire to achieve more. At present, the problem of health improvement of preschool children occupies a central place in modern society. It is during this period that the foundations of health, proper physical development are laid, motor skills are formed, and interest in doing what they love is formed. In this regard, the main task is to ensure high activity of the children involved by all available methods and means. To do this, we must try to form an interest in physical exercise, to make children satisfied with these activities At present, traditional physical education classes have significantly reduced interest in motor activity. The issue of finding new forms of implementing the tasks of physical education has become acute. Recently, fitness centers in the country have been offering parents and their children children's fitness services. Children's fitness is a modern direction of health gymnastics for children and adolescents, combining music, dance movements, elements of acrobatics, and game sports. Researchers note that the classes help to increase the tone of a growing child's body, improve physical and mental performance, and satisfy the child's need for physical activity.
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