


student, study, animal anatomy, animal physiology, modern methodical approaches


The article highlights modern methodical approaches to teaching anatomy and physiology of animals for students of specialty 211 "Veterinary Medicine". Building skills through active learning is an effective approach in teaching complex subjects such as animal morphology and physiology. The main goal of this course is to provide students with in-depth knowledge of the structure and functions of living organisms. The problems of first-year students who, without having time to adapt, find themselves in an environment with different requirements, attitudes and a huge amount of material, are analyzed. The evaluation criteria developed by the university force you to weigh your rating against other, more successful students. In this methodology, attention is focused on the involvement of students in the learning process through interactive methods, practical classes. Thanks to active learning, students can not only memorize the material, but also understand it more deeply, develop critical thinking and practical skills. The implementation of such approaches contributes to the formation of students' ability to independently analyze and synthesize information, which is important for their professional training. Thus, active learning not only increases the level of knowledge, but also prepares students for practical work in the field of veterinary medicine. The work shows the combination of classical teaching methods with active, interactive methods, which is a relevant and expedient step capable of significantly improving the quality of education. ICT has the potential to make education more inclusive, interactive and adapted to the needs of modern society, which allows students to develop sustainable competencies. It was demonstrated that in connection with the introduction of the credit-module system, it became possible not only to assess the level of students' knowledge at the stage of intermediate and final control, but also to give them the opportunity to realize themselves at all stages of the educational process.


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How to Cite

Savchuk, L. B., Lishchuk, S. G., & Zakharova, T. V. (2024). FORMATION OF SKILLS THROUGH ACTIVE LEARNING: METHODS OF TEACHING ANIMAL MORPHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Professional and Applied Didactics, (2), 96–99.

