
The scientific journal "Professional and Applied Didactics" is a publication with open access to full texts. The journal highlights the results of fundamental and applied research in the following fields:

01 Education/pedagogy, specialties: 011 - Educational, pedagogical sciences; 015 - Professional education (by specialization); 017 - Physical culture and sports;

03 Humanities, specialties: 032 - History and archeology, 035 - Philology

Founder: Higher educational institution «Podillia State University» – a multi-disciplinary institution of higher education, which carries out innovative educational activities to ensure the quality of higher education, conducts fundamental and applied scientific research in the fields of the key directions of the state's development - agricultural sciences and food, economics, technology, management, veterinary science, social and humanitarian sciences, etc.

Registered by the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine: Decision № 138 as of 18.01.2024. Media identifier: R30-02522

The journal is included in the List of scientific and specialized publications of Ukraine (category "B") according to Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 582 dated 24.05.2024 (Annex 2)

Periodicity: 2 times a year

ISSN: 2521-6449

Publication languages: Ukrainian, English

The electronic version of the journal is included in:

Articles are published in the following areas of research:

  • theoretical and methodological foundations of higher education;
  • innovative practice of training specialists;
  • history and modernity of higher school pedagogy;
  • comparative pedagogy;
  • problems of ensuring the quality of higher education;
  • higher education development management;
  • integration processes and intercultural communications in higher education;
  • modern technologies and teaching methods;
  • history and archaeology;
  • scientific research in the field of philological sciences.

The editorial board of the scientific journal ensures effective professional communication among authors and readers, promotes the dissemination of innovative scientific ideas, the results of scientific research and progressive practices of ensuring the quality of higher education.