
  • T.V. Mynets



Helianthus annuus L.; antheriferous productivity; viability; thermostability; cluster analysis.


To determine the pollen productivity of sunflower lines, one day before flowering, tubular flowers were undiscovered on typical plants. The estimation was carried out according to the method of Savchenko NI, by measuring the optical density of a mixture of pollen in a certain volume of water. This method of determining the number of pollen grains of androfertil forms is based on the determination of the optical density of suspended pollen in solution on FEC and according to the tables. At the same time, laboratory studies were conducted on the viability according to the PI method. Deacon and pollen resistance. To do this, pollen was selected from the flowers of the second or third flowering zone. Mathematical processing of research results was performed using packages of applied statistical programs, using cluster analysis. A comparative study is conducted 50 lines of collection of sunflower after viability of pollen and his thermostability. As a result of cluster analysis all aggregate of the studied lines parted on four clusters, which differed after the complex of the studied indexes of quality of the antheriferous productivity. Selected groups of lines with high viability – Х565В, 729-07, 07-49, Мх1008В, Х134В and lines, with the high thermostability of antheriferous grains 759-07, 07-58, Х06130В, 07-22, 07-39, Х720В, Х526В, which can be recommended as sources of stability for the use in a geterozisnioy selection. Distinguished groups of lines with most of flowerets in a small basket - 07-13, 07-39, Х-526В, Х-134В, that was also distinguished with high viability and thermostability of pollen, that it is no less important for the productivity and to recommend them as paternal components of hybrids that will provide quality pollination on the areas of reproduction and hybridization. Thus, significant differentiation in terms of pollen productivity, viability, and heat resistance between fertility-reducing lines was detected. As a result of the conducted research, groups of lines with high viability - Х565В, 729-07, 07-49, Мх1008В, Х134В and lines with high heat resistance of pollen grains - 759-07, 07-58, Х06130В, 07-22, 07-39, were selected. Х720В, Х526В and recommend them as the parent components of hybrids, which will provide high-quality pollination in the areas of reproduction and hybridization in high temperature conditions during the flowering period of sunflower.


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