combined plow; rotor; knives; parameters; operating modes; fertilizers; roofing; plant residues; cutting; transformation.Abstract
Soil tillage is the most energy-intensive and costly process. Therefore, the creation of combined machines that perform multiple operations in one workflow is a pressing issue for today, the solution of which is inextricably linked to the integration of agricultural operations into one technological process that brings economic, organizational and agro-biological benefits. Based on the peculiarities of soil preparation for planting or planting crops as an object, and the need for further scientific design of the combined technological process of soil application of fertilizers, active crumbling and cultivation of root, plant residues and fertilizers as a subject, the purpose of scientific research analysis of the interaction of the rotor with the reservoir, determination and optimization of the basic parameters of knives, radius, rotational speed with a view to providing classic soil cutting and mixing with fertilizers. At State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podiya the design of the combined plow was developed. The technological process of their work combines the operations of deep plowing, the active grinding of the formation and the earning of root and crop residues, as well as the introduction of mineral fertilizers. As a result of researches, the angles of installation of the knife with respect to the radius of the rotor α, the angle of sharpening γ, the cutting angle ψ, the occipital angle ζ, the angle of conicity of the rotor β, the angle of displacement of the blades (rays) of the attachment, the magnitude of the transformation of the angle of sharpening, the analysis of the part of the sharpening , and according to its results the required speed of rotation at which the soil passes on the surface of the knife without loading is determined and the effect of its unloading is provided.
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