a model of technological processes; potatoes; potato-harvesting technique; technology; technological process; potato growing; methods of assembling.Abstract
To represent our national goods at the Western market it is necessary to ensure, first of all, the competitiveness of local products through complex mechanization of technological processes, labour costs reduction, increasing yields and quality of received products. The aim of the research is to provide the comparative analysis of technology and machines for potato harvesting, to determine the main factors that influence the agricultural technical indicators of harvesting equipment, to develop technological process patterns and to examine the strategies for improving the potato root-and-harvest machines. The research was carried out on the basis of technological and constructional analysis of technology and machines for potato harvesting. The methods of comparison and mathematical modelling of technological processes were used in the study. The research studies of Ukrainian and foreign scientists on technology and machines for potato harvesting were used as information base of our paper. A comparative analysis of technology and machines for potato harvesting made it possible to determine the main factors that influence the agricultural performance of harvesting machinery and to develop the technological process for a digger, a double-loader digger and a harvester (harvesting machines). A theoretical model of the technological processes of harvesting machines includes both uncontrolled and controlled factors that influence the choice of a potato harvesting technology of a digger, a double-loader digger and a harvester. Nevertheless, the first factors are connected, primarily, with the conditions of potato growth and its biological properties, and the second factors deal with the organizational and technical measures, including the improvement of the working bodies of machines (cutting, dirt digging through, top separation, longitudinal hump with cut roller and other constructive and kinematic parameters), quality of received products, length and terms of potato storage, available farming human resources, free vehicle in the period of harvesting, farm potato storage, farm equipment for potato cleaning and sorting.
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