
  • A.V. Kozak
  • P.V. Potapsky
  • I.D. Garasymchuk



antenna; electromagnetic energy; oscillator; the Fourier transform; the passing wave; aperture; biotechnology; broadband pulses.


Electromagnetic energy can alter metabolic and biosynthetic processes at certain pulse EMF parameters (pulse rate, opacity, power, exposure) can slow and suppress cell growth. Irradiation in the MM range of RNA and DNA containing the virus leads to a decrease in their infectivity. Inhibition of bacterial culture growth, alteration of phagocytic activity, protein biosynthesis, ultrastructural changes in cells with EHF EMF interaction. In studies with microorganisms, it was found that the biological effect of the effect of EMF on microorganisms was resonant. As one of the main mechanisms of the suppressive effect of EHF radiation on harmful microorganisms is the role of biological membranes in the response of microorganisms to EMF. Electrical phenomena occurring in biomembranes play an extremely important role. The formation of the transmembrane potential difference is due to the selective ionic conductivity of the membranes as a whole, it is an excellent dielectric, so that the biolayers of the insulating lipid molecules are able to withstand EP strengths of the order of 105 V / cm. The magnitude of the electrical potential on the membrane is extremely important. According to the modern theory of transmembrane transport, namely the EP inside the membrane, the fluxes of the necessary substances from the environment inside the cell and from the cell into the environment through special hydrophilic channels, most likely, are of a lipoprotein nature. The rate of ion penetration through the membrane is determined by such properties as thickness, value of DP, the presence of fixed electric charges on the membrane, the size and number of pores in the membrane, the presence of fixed charges in the pores and some others.


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