


cuttings, chrysanthemum, plant height, number of roots, length of roots, growth biostimulators


The article presents the results of the effect of plant growth biostimulators on rooting and biometric indicators of planting material of garden chrysanthemum large-flowered. Among the studied varieties, the varieties (Balthazar intensive, Bislet yellow, Gavia) were selected, in which the improvement of biometric indicators of seedlings was the most significant after exposure to plant growth biostimulators. Thus, the treatment of cuttings of the variety Balthazar intensive with biostimulants in all variants of the experiment helped to increase the height of plants, compared to the control, especially in the variant of treatment with solutions of the drug Grandis (by 34,2 %), Kornevin (by 23,5 %) and Heteroauxin (by 20,8 %). The number of roots formed was the largest after soaking the cuttings in solutions of Kornevin – 52,4 pcs., and Heteroauxin – 47,2 pcs. The longest root length – 10,1 cm was observed in cuttings treated with Heteroauxin. Seedlings of the Bislet yellow variety treated with biostimulants were higher in all variants of the experiment compared to the control (44,2 cm), this is especially noticeable in plants after soaking in Kornevin’s solution – 56,8 cm, or by 28,5 %, Kemira (55,8 cm) – by 26,2 %. The largest number of roots was noted in the variant treated with Heteroauxin – 40,0 pcs., and Grandis – 31,2 pcs. In the Gavia variety, the highest plant height was noted on the variants treated with Rizopon – 51,8 cm and Heteroauxinm – 50,5 cm, which is 27,5 and 24,3 % more compared to the control (40,6 cm). The number of 1’st-order roots was the highest in cuttings treated with Heteroauxin (56,2 pcs.) and Rhizopon (49,8 pcs.). The length of the roots was longer in the variants with Heteroauxin. It was established that the pre-planting treatment of chrysanthemum large-flowered cuttings with Heteroauxin, Kornevin, Rhizopon solutions contributed to an increase in plant height, the number of 1st-order roots, and the length of roots in most of the studied. Treatment of cuttings with solutions of Kemira and Grandis drugs, with the exception of isolated cases, did not significantly affect the quality parameters of the seedlings. Thus, as a result of the research, the highest quality planting material was obtained after the cuttings were treated with Heteroauxin and Kornevin.


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