horticulture industry, development prospects, fruit and berry products, market, export, importAbstract
Horticulture is one of the traditional agricultural branches of Ukraine, the development of which is based on favorable soil and climatic conditions for the cultivation of most fruit and berry crops and age-old traditions of the population, great internal needs of fruits and berries as indispensable food products in fresh form and in the form of industrially processed products. The natural potential of horticultural products contributes to the formation of high yields of fruit crops. Thanks to these features, Ukraine has the opportunity not only to meet its own needs in the relevant products of this industry, but also to export them. A sharp decrease in the volume of production and consumption of fruit products, a significant reduction in the fruitful areas of perennial plantations, a systematic decrease in the share of young orchards, the lack of necessary financial support from the state led to the unprofitability of the production of products in this industry in many agricultural enterprises. At a low level of fruit production, there are great difficulties with their sale due to underdeveloped trade infrastructure, preservation and processing of fruits, loss of foreign sales markets. This necessitates a comprehensive study of theoretical and practical aspects of increasing the efficiency of production of horticulture products. The current level of fruit and berry production in Ukraine is very low compared to countries with developed horticulture, which is due to a number of objective and subjective reasons. Despite this, this industry in Ukraine has significant potential to meet domestic needs and to produce fruit and vegetable products for export. The article presents the results of research into the current state of horticulture in Ukraine, and also describes the state of the market for fruit and berry products. It was noted that it is in a crisis and to overcome it, a number of organizational and economic transformations must be carried out with the determination of prospects for the further functioning of the industry.
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