


productivity, crop rotation, soy saturation, fertilizing system, crop productivity


The implementation in the production of the soy crops of short rotation and using fertilizers is the actual question of the agriculture. Nowadays there are some programs that can increase the soil fertility. But, the question of effective use of by-products of different crops in the conditions of it’ combination with the mineral fertilizers in the short crop rotations in the zones of dampness shortage of the North steppe of Ukraine are still not learnt, that’s why they need to be explored. Soy crop capacity in the short crop rotation is defined by the level of saturation in the crops. Greatly higher level of the soy crops had the maximum marks in the classic grain-steam-row crop rotation by organic-mineral system of fertilizers and was 2,53 tons per hectare for 5 years. Defined that the average soy crop capacity in the grain-steam-row crop rotation № 1with the soy saturation of 20 % was the greatest and was 2,35 tons per hectare. Crop rotation factor depending on the fertilizing system, provided the increase of crop productivity of soy by the previous winter wheat from 0,43 to 0,75 t/h. The augmentation of concentration of soy in the crops lead to having less crop productivity, in the grain-stream-row № 2 was the shortage of soy to grain-stream-row crop rotation № 1 and was 0,56 t/h and in the grain-steam-row crop rotation № 3 was 0,62 t/h. In the crop rotation with the highest saturation of soy (60 %) the biggest augmentation provided using organic-mineral system of fertilizers 0,76 t/h (55,7 %). Defined, that different types of fertilizers and different concentration of soy in the crop rotations influence it’s productivity. The biggest gather of grain units was in grain-steam-row crop rotation with the soy saturation up to 20 % 3,97– 4,78 t/h. With the increase of soy concentration in the crops received the great shortage in the grain units, which was the lowest in the grain-row crop rotation with the soy saturation of 60 %. Greatly bigger outcome of grain units was in the grain-row crop rotation (soy 60 %) with using organicmineral fertilization system (+1,42 t/h or 55,7 % compared to the example without fertilizers). The biggest gathers of fodder units and digestible protein were by growing soy in the grain-steam-row crop rotation with the saturation of soy up to 20 % at the background of organic-mineral system of fertilizers 3,69 and 0,81. Thus, the implementation in the agriculture the crops with soy saturation of 20 % without using fertilizers or grain-row crop rotations with saturation of 60 % and using organic-mineral system of fertilizers gives an opportunity to have the crop productivity of 2,11 t/h. The biggest productivity was 4,78 t/h, forded units 4,12 t/h and digestible protein 0,81 t/h, received by growing soy in the grain-steam-row crop rotation with soy concentration of 20 % with organic-mineral fertilizing system.


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