medicinal plants, Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench., Echinacea pallida (Nutt.) Nutt., sowing qualities, growth stimulantsAbstract
Representatives of the genus Echinacea (Echinacea Moench.) are widely known as medicinal, honey-bearing, decorative plants of the North American continent. For more than 100 years, they have been studied and grown in Europe, including in Ukraine. Medicinal raw materials are grass and rhizomes with roots, which are used for the production of medicinal formulations and food additives, used in fodder production and veterinary medicine, food technology, etc. Since the 2000’s, Ukraine has provided itself with its own raw materials due to the creation of industrial echinacea plantations in the Poltava region. A fairly important problem in growing echinacea is the natural dormancy of the seed and its unstable field germination, which makes it difficult to obtain uniform seedlings. To overcome this, various methods of chemical, physical and biological nature are recommended. Our research was devoted to the issue of correcting the seed quality of purple echinacea (Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench.) and pale purple echinacea (Echinacea pallida (Nutt.) Nutt.) permitted for use by growth stimulants of natural origin Bioglobin (0,5 %), Vympel-K (2 %), Vermystym-D (8 l/t), Endophit-L1 (4 ml/t) and Mars ELBi (300 ml/t). For Echinacea purpurea, the formulation Endophit-L1 proved to be the most effective. At the same time, the energy of germination increased by 10 % compared to the control, germination rate – by 5 %, uniformity of germination increased by 2,0 pcs./day, and the speed of germination – by 0,4 days; Vympel-K and Vermystym-D formulations were promising. In pale purple echinacea, treatment with the Vermystym-D led to an increase in the parameters of seed sowing quality: germination energy by 10 %, germination uniformity by 1,7 pcs./day. It was found that exposure of 18 hours was optimal for seed treatment. At the same time, laboratory and field germination of seeds increased. In purple echinacea, the greatest effect was obtained as a result of seed treatment with Vympel-K and Vermystym-D, and for pale echinacea – Vermystym-D and Endophit-L1
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