tobacco, yield, biological factors, technological factors, tobacco varietyAbstract
The article covers the issue of the influence of biological and technological factors on the yield of tobacco. In recent decades, the interest of researchers in the problems of growing tobacco and increasing yields has grown significantly. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to study the influence of biological and technological factors on the development of tobacco plants and yield. To achieve the goal of the research, the analysis of scientific articles, reports and other sources, including the study of biological and technological factors affecting the yield of tobacco, was used. The study covers the analysis of various biological factors such as the variety of tobacco, climatic conditions, soil properties and others, as well as technological factors such as methods of cultivation, harvesting and processing of tobacco. The study includes the analysis of direct and indirect factors affecting the yield of tobacco. Biological factors include the variety of tobacco, its genetic traits, resistance to pests and diseases, and growing conditions such as temperature, humidity, and light. Technological factors include methods of growing, harvesting and processing tobacco, such as fertilizer use, pest and disease control, harvesting, drying and processing. The novelty of the study is that it includes the analysis of various factors that can affect the cultivation of tobacco, and also takes into account both the direct and indirect effects of these factors on yield. The general conclusion of the study is that biological and technological factors have a significant influence on tobacco cultivation and its yield. Studying these factors can help increase tobacco yield, reduce costs, and increase the quality of the final product. A closer study of these factors may help find ways to develop more resistant and healthier plants, which in turn will increase tobacco production and yields.
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