



winter bread wheat, plant productivity, yield structure, nitrogen fertilization, collection


Objective. To determine the state of modern local and foreign breeding achievements in terms of yield, elements of plant productivity at different levels of nitrogen mineral nutrition. Methods. Field research was conducted according to the methodology of field experience of B.A. Dospekhov. Agricultural technology of winter wheat cultivation is generally accepted for the steppe zone of Ukraine. Observations of the duration of the main periods of growth and development, selection and analysis of test sheaves with the determination of elements of the crop structure were carried out according to the methodology of state variety testing of agricultural crops. The varieties were divided into groups according to the place of creation of variety creation: group I – PBGI-NCSCI, group II – varieties of Ukrainian varieties, and group III – varieties of. Results. The yield and elements of plant productivity of modern varieties of bread winter durum wheat in comparison with varieties of earlier stages of breeding were studied during the years 2021–2022, which were contrasted by weather conditions. The specific reaction of varieties to the factors of weather conditions of the year and different doses of fertiliser was revealed. Against this background, the progress in yield growth of modern varieties (in 1,32–2,25 times higher) compared to varieties of earlier stages of breeding was found. By studying the elements of the yield structure, several regularities were established. Modern varieties significantly reduced plant height, which increased resistance to lodging and increased the share of grain in the total biological yield to 42–48 %. Modern varieties have also undergone important changes in ear productivity, which increased by 76–94 % compared to varieties from earlier stages of breeding. As the genetic potential of modern varieties increases, the efficiency of using high doses of mineral fertilisation increases. The peculiarities of modern varieties according to the studied traits depending on the place of their creation are shown. Conclusions. Breeding of winter durum wheat has achieved significant success in increasing yields both in Ukraine and abroad. In our experiments, modern varieties showed yields of 5,88–6,77 t/ha, which is 1,32–2,25 times higher than varieties of early stages of breeding. Among the significant changes resulting from breeding that affected the yield are several: 1) plant height was significantly reduced in modern varieties, which allowed to increase the grain share in the ratio of grain and vegetative mass from 32–40 % in early breeding varieties to 42–48 % in modern varieties; 2) the weight of grain per ear per ear in modern varieties is 76–94 % higher compared to varieties of previous stages of selection; 3) according to the weight of 1 000 grains, only varieties of the PBGI-NCSCI and some varieties of other institutions of Ukraine have a steady progress in increasing the weight.


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