


selection, collection sample, initial material, economic and valuable traits, crop productivity, productivity


Naked grain oats are quite an attractive object for selection, which thanks to its useful properties is gaining popularity in Ukraine. However, the crop insufficient adaptability to environmental conditions restrains its further spreading. It indicates the neccessity of creating new naked grain varieties that will provide high yields in a wide range of variations in natural conditions. Therefore, the study and evaluation of new genotypes of naked grain oats in the conditions of the eastern part of the Left Bank Foreststeppe of Ukraine is an urgent problem for further selection work. The purpose and task of our research was to study the collection samples which are represented by 26 varieties of naked grain oats from 6 countries of the world, according to the main economic and valuable traits and on the basis of the obtained results to single out the most promising samples-sources of valuable traits. The research was carried out on the basis of the Scientific National Agricultural University named after V.V. Dokuchaiev during 2019–2021. Collection varieties of naked grain oats were sown during optimum terms after the predecessor-black fallow. Field and laboratory studies were conducted by the following parameters: plant height, panicle length, number of ears in a panicle, number of grains in a panicle, weight of grain from a panicle, mass of 1000 grains, crop productivity, according to generally accepted methods. Meteorological conditions of the growing season during the period of studying the material made it possible to analyze the collection material and evaluate it. As a result of the research, it was determied that according to the manifestation of such traits as productivity, the number of grains in a panicle, the mass of grain from a panicle and the mass of 1 000 grains, the collection samples differed significantly among themselves. However, the level of manifestation of these traits, besides the varietal peculiarities, was also influenced by environmental conditions. According to the average research data, the best variety samples were selected based on the following economic and valuable traits : by crop productivity , in 2019–2021, the varieties Aldan, Agramak, Bekas, Vyrovets, Valdyn 765; by the number of grains in a panicle in 2019–2021 – Aldan, Agramak, Murom, Bekas, Ofenia; by weight of 1 000 grains during three years of research – Pomor, Korolek, Golets, Litovskij, Nadij. These samples are valuable genetic sources for using in the conditions of the eastern part of the Left Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine. The correlation dependence of crop productivity with the main economic and valuable traits was analyzed, and positive and negative correlations were defined. It was determined that the crop productivity of the varieties is correlated mostly with the number of grains in a panicle (r = 0,72–0,88) and the mass of grains from a panicle (r = 0,70–0,90), and therefore it is necessary to pay attention primarily to these indicators.


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