


selection, barley, helminthosporiosis, crossing, immunity, sources, Hordeum spontaneum K. Koch


Three types of barley spotting are known: dark brown, striped and net, all of them are presented in Ukraine. According to the scientific program of PND (subprogram) I.1 on January 6, 2005, the Department of Barley Breeding and Seed Production of the SGI-NCNS started a new direction of breeding for resistance to helminthosporial spots with genetically determined resistance. In accordance with the assigned task, we studied the level of susceptibility of varieties and F1, F2 and ВС1 to local populations of races Bipolaris sorokiniana, Drechslera graminea, Drechslera teres. The study was conducted in two directions: on sources of resistance among cultivated forms and wild species described in the literature, samples of Hordeum spontaneum K. Koch №UA0830018 and H. spontaneum K. Koch № UA0830019 provided by the National Genetic Bank. Unfortunately, sources of resistance such as Vladimir, Thorgall and Orki [5] described in the literature did not show sufficient resistance to local populations of pathogen races of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. At the same time, it was found that the variety is sufficiently resistant to local populations of dark brown spotted races – Ionel with a resistance level of 8 points, but the variety did not show resistance to other types of pathogens. Therefore, the search for resistance to these pathogens in our work had to be focused on wild relatives, and further selection was based on interspecies hybridization. As a result of the study, new highly effective sources of resistance to local populations of Bipolaris sorokiniana and Drechslera graminea were established. According to the nature of control, the sources of stability were of different nature. Thus, Hordeum spontaneum – UA0830018 turned out to be a carrier of monogenic dominant resistance to the local population of Drechslera graminea and digenic dominant to the local population of Bipolaris sorokiniana. Hordeum spontaneum UA0830019 turned out to be a carrier of digenic nature of resistance with incomplete dominance (manifestation) to the local population of Bipolaris sorokiniana and Drechslera graminea races.


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