sowing peas, mineral fertilizers, growth regulators, grain quality, crude protein, crude fatAbstract
The paper presents the research results on the influence of mineral fertilizers and growth regulators on the quality of pea grain in the conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe in Ukraine. An experimental part of the work was carried out in 2017–2019 on the experimental field of the Training and Production Center ”Podillia” of Higher Educational Institution “Podillia State University”. Field experiments were conducted on typical, deep, low-humus, hard-loamy chernozems on loess-like loams. The present paper aimed to study the influence of various doses of mineral fertilizers and growth regulators on the formation of quality indicators of pea grain for sowing in the conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe. Research analysis showed that the qualitative indicators of the crop depend on the variety, type of soil, agricultural technology, meteorological conditions and the nature of their interaction. Moisture and the optimum temperature for plants during critical periods of development and growth play a significant role in sowing peas planting. The lack of nutrients can lead to the fall of flowers and the loss of the ovaries of beans or seeds in the bean, which can lead to a decline in crop yields and the quality of the grain. Most crude protein and fat were contained in the pea grains of all the examined varieties, provided that N30P30K45 was introduced in combination with the Vympel growth regulator. In this version of nutrition, the Hotivskyi variety of pea grains contained 24.5 % of protein; the Chekbek variety of pea grains contained 26.6 % of protein and the Farhus variety of pea grains contained 23.5 % of protein. This nutrition option worked well for indicators of crude fat content. The grain of Chekbek peas contained 2.41 % of fat, the Hotivskyi variety of pea contained 1.81 % of fat and 1.63 % of fat was present in the Farhus variety of pea grains, respectively. The study of the effect of N45P30K45 mineral fertilizers in a complex combination with growth regulators showed that the effect of each of the factors depended on the effectiveness of their interaction. These doses of mineral fertilizers over the years of research affected the content of crude protein and fat without a clearly defined pattern, and their indicators had the lowest rates.
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