renewable energy sources, agrobiomass, biogas, biomethane, energy autonomy.Abstract
The article explores the main problems and prospects for the production of biomethane from agrobiomass in Ukraine. The geographical structure and volumes of natural gas imports to Ukraine during 2003–2021 are analyzed. It is indicated that in some EU countries that have not abandoned the import of russian energy carriers, a critical situation has developed in the energy sector. The prices for natural gas for the population in the EU countries are analyzed and countries with a high level of energy prices are identified. To refuse to purchase russian energy carriers, it was proposed to produce biomethane. The potential of biomethane production in Ukraine as a whole and in terms of regions and types of raw materials is characterized. Today, the Hals Agro biomethane plant in the Chernihiv region is preparing to export biomethane abroad, and also reorient until 2023 to the production of biomethane Yuzefo- Nikolaev biogas company in the Vinnitsa region. The prerequisites for the production of biomethane in Ukraine, both on the demand side and on the supply side, as well as the main constraining factors for the development of this industry in the country, are determined.
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