


bioeconomy, methodology, marketing, management, ecology


The role of bioeconomy in the formation of economic development priorities of Ukraine was studied. It was determined that the main goal of the bioeconomy is the optimal use of renewable biological resources and the creation of sustainable production systems of new types of products based on them. The role of marketing management as the most important component of the enterprise management system is studied. It is noted that the fundamental basis of the management of the marketing activities of the enterprise is the methodology, and the methodological complex is a toolkit that includes a set of marketing and marketing research tools. The principles of the methodological complex of marketing are analyzed. It is noted that an important place in the structure of marketing principles is given to marketing concepts, which reflect the main point of view, a constructive approach to various types of activities. It is noted that methodological approaches to the study of marketing management systems are the perspective of the study, that is, the starting position that determines its direction relative to the goal. The conceptual-categorical apparatus and marketing terms characterizing it are considered. Attention is drawn to the fact that the development of new paradigms of marketing, in particular, ecological marketing, renewable energy and bioeconomy is relevant. A conceptual model for the formation of a bioeconomy development strategy in Ukraine, aimed at creating a more innovative and resource-efficient economy with sustainable use of renewable energy sources and resources, has been developed and proposed. The model provides for determining the priorities of bio-economic development, in particular, eco-innovation, ecological development, ecological agriculture, renewable energy, environmentally friendly production technologies, biotechnology.


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