



charity, charitable assistance, accounting, taxation, legislative provisions, tax instruments, accounting, martial law


Today, most business entities, aware of the challenges facing the country and trying to partially take over the economic burden of solving military and social issues, provide charitable assistance to individuals, territorial communities, and non-profit businesses and organizations. However, in the new complex conditions, the question arises of how exactly to account for and tax such assistance. The article analyzes the problematic aspects of the accounting display of the provided charitable assistance and substantiates the relevance of solving this methodological issue. Attention is focused on the scientific works that were carried out on the topic of the study and issues that require more detailed study. Proposals have also been put forward regarding the use of tools for improving the state of accounting of operations for the provision of charitable assistance and the development of ways and methods of their reflection in financial reporting. It has been found that the easiest way is financial assistance, which does not require a lot of time and effort to prepare documents, and also does not affect tax accounting. Therefore, in the tables of the article, the calculation of the reflection of value added tax on tangible assets, fixed assets or other non-current assets, as well as goods and services provided, is indicated and analyzed. Thus, the corresponding account correspondence reflects the receipt of funds to a special account opened in the Treasury. In addition, the accounting of receipts of charitable aid in the form of cash, contributions, in kind, taking into account non-profit organizations, was considered. The procedure for document accounting of received charitable assistance was investigated. Having conducted a study of the reflection in the accounting of charitable assistance, it was concluded that such assistance is a personal characteristic and requires a more detailed consideration, as it is currently relevant and little researched.


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