


organic production, organic products, competitiveness, state incentives, marketing, eco-production


This article highlights the advantages of the development of organic production in Ukraine and their expediency in increasing the scale for the sake of growing demand. The word “organic” means, firstly, a direct health benefit, and secondly, it refers more to the preservation of our nature and smart management. Organic production has minimal impact on nature. That is, everything that grows, it develops in conditions as close as possible to natural ones. Ukraine has all the prerequisites for the development of “biological” agriculture and the production of ecologically clean (organic) products. The need for the introduction and development of organic production in Ukraine is determined by: the presence of a high potential for its growth in connection with a favorable geographical location; favorable conditions and natural resources, namely, agricultural land; the annual growth of demand for organic products both on the domestic and especially on the foreign market will contribute to the strengthening of Ukraine’s export potential; improving the image as a producer and exporter of high-quality organic products; reducing the country’s import dependence due to the introduction of organic agriculture (for example, there is no need to import chemical protection agents, fertilizers, seeds, etc.); creation of conditions for preserving the environment and ensuring environmental security of territories. And that is why organic production requires an integrated approach to agricultural technologies. Sustainable and longterm organic cultivation requires a reasonable systematic approach at all its stages – from soil and seed treatment to nutrition and comprehensive protection, taking into account the relevant limitations. A positive point is that the world even prescribes requirements for the packaging of organic products, so eco-products are packed in paper bags or other containers that can be recycled.


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