investment, security, national security, economic security, investment climate, investment activity, warAbstract
In the context of Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine, the issue of national security has become of paramount importance and public attention. National security is the basis for the self-preservation of national self-identity in general and the basic need of a person in particular, the deficiency of which is most felt in a state of martial law. Economic security is the fundamental basis of national security, which is determined by the state of the country’s economic mechanism. Therefore, we conducted a study of the essence of economic security and its component – investment activity and provided a qualitative assessment of the place and role of investment activity as a component of economic security. Today, the economic security of Ukraine has dealt the most powerful blow in all the years of independence. The economy experienced a large negative shock, with GDP shrinking by less than 30 %. The macroeconomic effects of the war affect currency reserves and international monetary systems, as well as inflation and monetary policy. Particular emphasis is placed on economic support activities from the international community (US, EU, G7), which covers the most urgent budgetary needs of Ukraine and supports ongoing basic social and administrative services, as well as military needs. It is important to keep the economic front, as it is a reliable foundation for winning the war and economic recovery in the future. For a quick and successful recovery (and restructuring) of the Ukrainian economy and state structure, measures were considered to support the economy from foreign partners and attract investment. Much more needs to be done to stop outbound migration, make the country attractive to foreign investors, restore and modernize its infrastructure, and carry out the necessary reorganization of the economy both at the regional and structural levels. International reconstruction assistance must be based on principles to ensure Ukraine’s long-term success and to ensure the coherence of any plans for Ukraine’s economic recovery in the context of preparations for EU accession.
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