



demographic system, destabilization, reproduction of population, sex-age structure of population


In the article, using the main provisions of the theory of systems, a systematic approach to the study of demographic processes was investigated, and it was determined that the demographic system is a complex and organized whole system, the main elements of which are: the population, its quantitative and qualitative parameters, and demographic relations between the population in order to reproduce. The internal environment of the demographic system, which includes the number of the population, its sex-age structure, qualitative factors related to the health of the population, and demographic processes that determine the reproduction of the population (birth rate, mortality, migration), has been singled out. It was established that interactions within the demographic system determine its external integrity and internal connectivity. The external environment is everything that is outside the demographic system, outside its borders, including the necessary conditions for the existence and development of the system. At the same time, the relationship between the external environment and the demographic system can be considered an external characteristic of the system, which largely determines its properties or internal characteristics. It is noted that the external environment consists of economic, social, ecological, informational, spiritual-cultural, and geopolitical systems. Deterioration of the functioning of the systems determines the impact on the development of the demographic system, while the degree of destabilization is important. It has been proven that the destabilization of the geopolitical system and Russia’s military aggression became factors that had a critical impact on the development and integrity of the demographic system, as well as on the functioning of all systems of the external environment.


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