



efficiency, management, enterprise, efficiency management, meat processing enterprise, business, competitiveness


The article is devoted to the problems of ensuring the management of the efficiency of the meat processing enterprise. Today, performance management is a multifaceted problem that requires the use of various management approaches. It was determined that the management of the efficiency of the enterprise’s activity is a purposeful operational regulation of activity in the areas of efficiency management to ensure compliance of the actual state of the enterprise with the specified parameters. A comparison of the efficiency and effectiveness of the management of the efficiency of the enterprise’s activity is carried out. The analysis of the efficiency of the use of production and financial resources of the meat processing enterprise made it possible to identify and determine the peculiarities of the management of its effective functioning. However, the company is not without weaknesses, namely: a decrease in the efficiency of the use of materials and fixed assets, an excess of the growth rate of total costs over the growth rate of total income, and a significant discrepancy in the terms of repayment of receivables and payables. Weaknesses of the enterprise’s production and financial activities are a decrease in the efficiency of the use of fixed assets, an increase in the effect of production leverage, and a high dependence on external sources of financing. The analyzed enterprise was characterized by a strengthening of the spending mechanism, a decrease in the efficiency of the use of working capital, a lack of own working capital to cover stocks, current insolvency and significant dependence on borrowed capital. It has been proven that the meat processing industry is one of the leading sectors of countries with a market economy, as it solves important problems of both economic and social nature. The conducted research based on the materials of Verest LLC made it possible to identify the main problems of the enterprise, which are inherent in the vast majority of processing enterprises, among them is the low ability of the enterprise management system to ensure the implementation of the main functions of analysis, forecasting, and planning. It was established that in Verest LLP, as in most enterprises, the manager single-handedly combines the main functions of managing the efficiency of the enterprise’s economic activity. On the example of a specific enterprise, a number of efficiency management measures have been developed that can be used by other business entities.


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