pension management system, pension reform, pension system management, domestic pension system, financial institutions of the pension sphereAbstract
The current stage of reforming the national pension system involves the use of a multi-level pension model, which requires a special management mechanism. He must take into account the peculiarities of the functioning of each level of the domestic pension model, coordinate the activities of financial institutions that serve them, ensure the combination of the interests of the state, employers, the public, and the population in the pension sphere. In this connection, there is a scientific interest in pension management and there is a need to form its effective system in the pension field. The purpose of the article is to assess the state of the domestic pension system, analyze its social factors, compare it with relevant European indicators, determine the role of management processes at the current stage of the pension reform and justify the main priorities of the development of the pension management system. When conducting research, various economic methods, special economic literature, scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists related to issues of social protection of the population and pension insurance were used. The analysis of social factors in the pension sphere shows that the incomes of Ukrainian pensioners are much lower than the corresponding indicators in most European countries. It was determined that the high level of pensions in European countries in comparison with our country is due to the effectiveness of the functioning of their multi-level pension systems. The use of redistributive and accumulative pension programs enables citizens of these countries to receive several types of pensions when they reach retirement age. Together, they allow for the formation of pension income that will be able to support their well-being in retirement. A pension management system is proposed, which involves taking into account a whole complex of constituent elements, the use of which will contribute to the creation of an optimal mechanism for managing the pension insurance system. Particular attention is paid to the formation and functioning of specialized financial institutions in the pension insurance system, which should become the core of the effective functioning of pension management. They should be legal institutions that will have their own legislative and regulatory framework, which will be the basis for determining the legal status of the subjects of the pension system, their role in its management.
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