dogs, breed, analysis, statistics, morbidity, prevalenceAbstract
The article presents the nature of the distribution of various groups of pathologies in domestic animals in the conditions of a specific region. An analysis of diseases was carried out, in particular the results of the age, breed, nosological structure of diseases of various organ systems in the body of dogs. Analysis of statistical data showed that during 2022–1053 sick dogs from the city and surrounding areas were admitted to the “Vita-Vet” veterinary clinic in Kamianets-Podilskyi and ragion. The age dynamics of the incidence of these animals shows that the largest share falls on dogs under 3 years of age. Out of 1 053 dogs, this age group is 599, which is 56,9 %. The morbidity limit of puppies was 23,1–71,9 %. It was established that the share of surgical diseases was 36,4 %, parasitic – 20,0 %, internal – 31,5 %, obstetric and gynecological – 7,7 %, infectious – 4,4 %. Among the internal pathologies, damage to the digestive organs was most often diagnosed, their share in the total number of patients was 44,6 %. Pathology of respiratory organs (23,5 %), and diseases caused by metabolic disorders (12,0 %), cardiovascular (8,5 %), genitourinary (8,1 %) and nervous (3,3 %) of systems. Research results are of theoretical and practical value for scientists and specialists in veterinary medicine. The obtained data will help to correctly determine the main directions of training of veterinary medicine specialists in various disciplines (internal noncommunicable diseases, surgery, obstetrics, epizootology, parasitology) and to focus attention when studying these disciplines on the pathology that is most often encountered in the practice of urban veterinary clinics in the respective region.
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