


molecular markers, polymerase chain reaction, types of DNA markers, sequencing, alleles


The achievements of molecular genetics reveal real prospects for the formation of the theoretical and practical basis for modern breeding and breeding activities in animal husbandry. Genetic studies of farm animals are aimed at an exhaustive assessment of their breeding qualities based on genetic information associated with certain genes or gene complexes. Practical work with genetic material and the possibility of accelerating breeding work by gaining new knowledge in the field of genetics are now directly associated with the use of genetic markers. The method of genetic markers is the identification of certain genes, DNA segments, chromosomes, or individuals of a species using unique nucleotide combinations. Most modern markers are associated with the structure of DNA, which allows testing genetic variability not at the level of gene expression products, but at the level of the genome. This feature led to the widespread use of DNA markers after the invention of PCR. The article discusses the theoretical aspects of genetic markers, their advantages in terms of properties, convenience, and quantitative capabilities in comparison with classical and protein markers. The article provides a list of the most common DNA markers, their requirements, and shows the advantages and disadvantages of their use in practice. The basic markers (ISSR, RFLP, SNP, SSR) used in genetic studies of farm animals are characterized. The sequencing method, that is currently the mainstay of such research, as well as modern methods of SNP detection based on it, are discussed in detail. An overview of the main genetic studies in the field of domestic livestock based on marker-assisted selection is given.


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