


cows, clinical and subclinical mastitis, antibiotics, etiology


Mastitis in cattle is a major problem in modern dairy farming. Mastitis means upset from milk loss and culling of cows in early lactation, as well as increased costs for treatment and maintenance of animals. The disease is widespread, meaning that its negative effects apply to all known cattle breeds and to all milk-producing farms. Scientific papers on mastitis and related problems are mostly related to large farms. For small agricultural enterprises, in particular farms, such work is practically non-existent. The article presents the results of a study of the indicators that are key to determining the quality of veterinary management of a milk-producing enterprise. In particular, the dynamics of mastitis and its etiology in cows of farms in Khmelnytskyi region were studied. The highest incidence rate is observed in spring – 18.3 %, in winter – 11.1 %, and in autumn – 16.4 %. The serous form of mastitis was recorded in 39.8 % of cases, catarrhal – 52.7 %, purulent-catarrhal – 1.4 %, fibrinous – 5.2 % and udder abscess – 0.9 %. In subclinical mastitis, bacteria from the genus Staphylococcus (38.2 %) and the genus Streptococcus (26.5 %) accounted for the largest proportion of the total number of isolated strains. Pathogenic Escherichia coli was isolated in 11.8 % of the isolates. Epizootic strains of agalactiae streptococcus were resistant to 15 out of 23 antibacterial drugs, Staphylococcus aureus was resistant to 10, and 5 antibiotics showed moderate resistance, and Escherichia coli isolates also showed high resistance to most of the antibiotics used.


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