rural green tourism; agrotourism; ecotourism; farmhouse; tourism.Abstract
Introduction. Modern rural green tourism on a global scale is not only a tourist product, but also an alternative, nonagricultural form of employment in rural areas, which can solve a number of socio-economic and demographic problems. In foreign countries, rural green tourism is a mature tourist destination that has passed certain stages of formation, and therefore has valuable experience that is necessary for its development in Ukraine. The article analyzes the European experience in the organization and development of rural green tourism. The current state of the tourism industry as a whole is analyzed, as well as the specifics of the development and support of rural tourism in different European countries. Purpose. The aim of the article is to determine, on the basis of European experience, prospects for Ukraine regarding the organization and development of rural green tourism. Methods. The following methods were used in the article: abstract-logical (theoretical generalization and study of the peculiarities of the formation of rural tourism in different European countries); inductive method (determining the current state of green tourism); deductive method (the process of generalizing the results in order to learn the scientific essence of the problem); comparative (study of world experience, expediency of its application in Ukraine). Results. It is established that rural green tourism today is one of the promising areas of development of the tourism industry in foreign countries, the rapid development of which in the last year due to quarantine restrictions. It combines a wide range of different types of tourism based on the use of natural, historical and other features of rural resources. It is determined that the development of rural green tourism in Ukraine cannot be effective without taking into account foreign experience. Conclusion. A study of the world experience of using such a branch of the tourism industry as rural green tourism, allowed us to conclude that on a global scale it is an effective tool for sustainable socio-economic development of rural areas and their infrastructure. Conclusions have been made regarding the main directions and prospects for the organization and development of rural green tourism in Ukraine based on the analyzed experience of the EU countries.
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