
  • Є.O. Domaratsky
  • O.P. Kozlova


microbial drugs; biologization; sunflower; biopreparatum; gray rot; false powdery mildew.


Modern agrarian production requires a number of measures that will provide the most substantial level of crop productivity, high quality of basic products and reducing the expenses for their cultivation. One of the effective strategies in the technology of sunflower cultivation is the pre-seeding inoculation of seeds with microbial preparations, as well as non-root crop treatments of sunflower plants with biological preparations that have a fungicidal component in the period of vegetation. The results of the experiment showed that this strategy significantly improves the phytosanitary state of the crop. The research is based on new hybrids of sunflower, a mixture of biological preparations with growth stimulants to prevent the spread of sunflower diseases. The study deals with the influence of scrubbing substances of biological origin, that have a fungicidal component in its formulation, on the level of pathogenic microflora in the cultivation of sunflower hybrids in the southern steppe of Ukraine. Field studies on the influence of growth stimulators and biological fungicides on the extent of diseases in sunflower hybrids and its productivity were carried out on the pilot field of Kherson State Agrarian University during 2016-2018. The scheme of the study included the analysis of the following factors: factor A – sunflower hybrids of the company "Limagrain"; factor B - biological fungicides and growth stimulators; factor C - time of preparation application. Seed treatment was carried out according to the experimental scheme - one day before sowing, in the phase of differentiation of cone growth and in the phase of budding. The result of the developed method is the application of biological preparation mixture with growth stimulants that will guarantee the farmers the high yield and will help to reduce the attenuation of sunflower on gray rot and false powdery mildew.


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