weed infestation; herbicide; plant growth regulator; emmer wheat; Triticum dicoccum.Abstract
The article presents the results of the experiment on the efficiency of different rates of herbicide Prima Forte 195 (0.5; 0.6 and 0.7 l/ha) under different application methods of plant growth regulator of a natural origin Wuxal BIO Vita (1.0 l/ha, 1.0 l/t) (spraying of vegetative plants, pre-sowing seed treatment) on weed infestation of emmer wheat. The objects of the research were emmer wheat plants (Triticum dicoccum (Schrank) Schuebl.) of the cultivar Holikovska (originator – the Plant Production Institute named after V.Ya. Yuryev, Ukraine), herbicide Prima Forte 195, с.е. (Syngenta) (active substances: florasulam 5 g/l, aminopyralid 10 g/1, 2- ethylhexyl alcohol 2.4-D 180 g/l), and plant growth regulator Wuxal BIO Vita (Unifer) (active substance – extract from seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum, nitrogen (N) – 52 g/l, manganese (Mn) – 38 g/l, sulphur (S) – 29 g/l, iron (Fe) – 6.4 g/l, zinc (Zn) – 6.4 g/l). Experiments were performed in the conditions of the crop rotation of the Department of Biology on the experimental field of Uman National University of Horticulture during 2017–2018 according to the scheme: without the use of preparations (control I), without the use of preparations + manual weeding during the growing season (control II), Prima Forte 195 at the rates of 0.5; 0.6 and 0.7 l / ha applied separately and together with Wuxal BIO Vita at the rate of 1.0 l/ha, applied separately and at the background of pre-sowing seed treatment with Wuxal BIO Vita 1.0 l/t. It was found that the herbicide Prima Forte 195 had the highest efficiency when it was applied at the rates of 0.5; 0.6 and 0.7 l/ha in combination with the plant growth regulator (PGR) Wuxal BIO Vita at the rate of 1.0 l/ha at the background of pre-sowing seed treatment with the same PGR at the rate of 1.0 l/t. Thus, the technical effectiveness against dicotyledonous weeds was on average within 86-88 % depending on the rate of the herbicide and the method of using PGR. Therefore, there is every reason to state that the herbicide Prima Forte 195 (0.5-0.7 l/ha) is effective in destroying the vast majority of dicotyledonous weeds in emmer wheat.
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