naked oats; plant protection means; yield; quality.Abstract
The article presents the results of field research on the production of naked oats yields, depending on the means of plant protection under the conditions of the western forest-steppe of Ukraine. The object of research was the belligerent variety Avgol. The purpose of our research was to study the effects of various protection schemes to obtain the highest yield of oats. In the process of conducting research, the field method of research was used: - to determine the influence of the elements of cultivation technology. From the results of the research, it can be seen that the means of plant protection have an effect on the yield of naked oats. The smallest it was in the first variant with the introduction of the Granstar herbicide (25 g / ha) and was 4.87 t / ha. Intensification of cultivation technology with morphorigulator Stabilan (0.8 l / ha) yields of oats increased to 5.35 t / ha, which is 0.45 t / ha more than the previous one. The morphoregulator thickened the walls of the straw, reduced the height of the plants, and thus protected from falling. In the third variant (Granstar (25g / ha) + Stabilan (0.8l / ha) + Falcon fungicide (0.8 l / ha), the yield increase was 4.98 t / ha, and the growth to the first was 0.96 t / ha Fungicide Falcon protected crops of oats from the defeat of septoriosis, powdery mildew, spots in the phase of tubing. It provided an increase in yields by 0.51 t / ha. Two-time introduction of fungicides (Granstar (25 g / ha) + Stabilan (0.8 l / ha) + Falcon (0.8 l / ha) + Rex Duo fungicide (0.6 l / ha)) positively affected oat crops and contributed to an increase yields to 6.09 t / ha, which is 1.22 t / ha of the control variant. The highest yields over the years have been observed in the fifth variant (Granstar (25 g / ha) + Stabilan (0.8 l / ha) + Falcon (0.8 l / ha) + Rex Duo (0.6 l / ha) + insecticide Fastak (0.2 l / ha)), where it was 6.15 t / ha, which is 1.28 t / ha more than the variant with the application of only Granstar herbicide (25 g / ha). However, the use of insecticides was ineffective in comparison with fungicides. The increase in the yield from the insecticide Fastak was only 0.06 t / ha. Depending on the protection schemes, the protein content did not change significantly and was at 14.42 - 14.44%. Consequently, the yield of naked oat of the variety Avogol due to the introduction of herbicide, morpho-regulator, fungicides and insecticide increased by 1.28 t / ha.
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