lupine white; varieties; inoculation; growth stimulator; photosynthetic performance; productivity.Abstract
In modern conditions of agriculture, the priority direction of scientific research is the substantiation and improvement of modern agrotechnologies of growing of field crops on the basis of resource conservation and environmental safety. In this regard, the special attention is paid to the culture of white lupine, which has an important forage and agrotechnical significance. However, the potential of white lupine is not fully realized, so the issue of product process regulation remains relevant. In this regard, the formation of a powerful photosynthetic apparatus of plants and ensuring the duration of its productive work is an important scientific task. The purpose of the research was to study the effects of the use of inoculation and growth stimulator on the formation of photosynthetic and seed yield of different varieties of white lupine. In the article the effect of application of seed inoculation and growth stimulator on the formation of photosynthetic and seed productivity of lupine of white varieties Veresnevy and Makarovsky is investigated. Physiologically substantiated regulations on the use of bacterial drug and stimulator in pre-sowing treatment and in the spraying of white lupine crops have been developed. It was noted that in variants where the maximum indexes of photosynthetic performance were formed, in particular, the accumulation of dry matter, the photosynthetic potential, the content of chlorophylls a + b, and the maximum yield of white lupine seeds was observed. Thus, the highest yield of seeds of the Veresnevy variety (3.61 t / ha) and Makarivsky (3.23 t / ha) was obtained by treating seeds with the bacterial preparation Risogumin and the growth stimulator Emistim S in combination with two spraying of crops by growth stimulator Emistim S.
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