
  • R.О. Lubachivsky
  • О.Р. Marunych


screw working body, screw conveyor, axial rotation.


To reduce energy costs and improve the quality of granular materials mixing, a number of original constructions of spiral mixers with screw working body has been developed. Screw mechanisms are frequently used in all sectors of the economy due to the concentration of the various operations in connection with transportation on the inclined surfaces of machines and mechanisms. However, the application of these constructions needs to consider issues related to the calculation of the loads on the screw working body and motion state, as well as appropriateness of their use. Research study deals with the calculation of the motion state of the selected volume on inclined high speed screw conveyor. The authors examined the work of inclined screw conveyor, which includes screw working body with constant parameters. According to the contact of selected volume of cargo with the screw surface and the cylindrical surface of the shroud, its placement is determined by the radial parameter R and angular parameter θ. On the basis of the method of graphical analysis we propose the method for determination of the average angular velocity of the selected volume by extreme value, that is identified by the mathematical rigor and simplicity of implementation. The limit deviations of particles velocities in transportation and withdraw of the analytical dependence are determined. It is proved that it leads to the intensive mixing of cargo and efficient mixing at the boundary conditions. The analytical dependences for determination of the angular and axial velocity of particles on sloping surfaces are given in the study. The process of transportation and mixing of bulk cargo is explored and it is proved that fluctuations in the speed of transportation of cargo, which improves the mixing conditions of bulk cargoes, take place when we use crews with axial motion.


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