
  • O.L. Lyashuk
  • V.M. Klendiy
  • T.D. Navrotska
  • M.R. Konevich


autopsy flexible screw working body, bending radius, technological possibilities.


Mechanisms with screw devices are widely used in all fields of the economy, especially flexible screw conveyors with sectional elements for the transportation of granular materials during transportation on curved roads. Nowadays the strategies for improving the section screw working bodies in order to enhance their operational indicators are up-to-date issues, as the shaftless screw working bodies, despite the simplicity of the design, do not provide appropriate performance or have low operational life. The study deals with the development of flexible screw working body model of sectional elements. The model of flexible screw conveyor working body of sectional elements can be used in various sectors of the food and processing industry, agriculture, technological processes for mechanized loading of mineral fertilizers, seed material, etc. The scheme for determining the relationship between structural parameters of flexible shaft and its bending radius is given in the study. The analytical dependences for determination of bending radius of flexible screw conveyor section according to design and energy-power parameters during transportation are identified in the paper. The graphic dependences of changes in the bending radius of the conveyor flexible screw working body from the structural parameters of sectional elements are constructed. The obtained results make it possible to confirm the minimum permissible bending radius of the technological line Rк., which allows to increase the minimum bending radius at 20 ... 30% to ensure guaranteed non-rotation sections, that would eliminate the possibility of accidents and increase the durability of the operation of the proposed working body.


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