
  • T.D. Navrotska
  • M.D. Sipravska


sectional screw working bodies, screw conveyors, bulk materials, double connection.


Screw mechanisms are widely spread in all areas of national economy of Ukraine. The creation of new designs of flexible screw working bodies is an up-to-date issue. The research considers the development of new designs of sectional screw conveyor flexible working bodies (section double connection of screw spirals and a section of flexible screw conveyor) and the raising their functional and operational characteristics, made with the individual sections, because the existing flexible screw working bodies may not fully meet performance requirements because of their high material consumption, high energy expenses and other requirements. It has been proved that the choice of screw working bodies’ design will depend, first of all, on the characteristics of the process and the load on the screw. Therefore, to ensure the design of producing joints equal in spirals, we can limit the number of design choices and offer a number of functioning structures of sections of flexible screw conveyors for transportation of granular materials on curved roads. The analytical dependences for determination of design parameters of conveyor flexible screw sections are determined in the paper. The results of the research are protected by declaration patent No. 123628 "Screw hinge-part working body." It benefits in the expansion of technological capabilities and reducing the radius of the track. The new designs of conveyor sectional flexible screw working bodies (SGGRO) have advanced technological capabilities that provide significant increase in operational reliability and durability, reduction of the radius of transportation track curvature, reduce in energy costs and increase in productivity.


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