transport process, harvesting, Saati’s hierarchy analysis method, weather and climatic conditions, technical parameters, technological parameters.Abstract
The organization and planning of transport process in early wheat harvesting are influenced by weather and climate, technical and technological parameters. Consequently, this issue is considered to be a weakly structured and multicriterion problem. In addition, each of the specified conditions and parameters has its own influence force or weight. The application of Saati’s hierarchy analysis method is substantiated in the study. The author of the paper demonstrates the operational flexibility of the method. The study is based on a survey of 63 respondents with practical experience in wheat harvesting for more than 10 years and the application of Saati’s hierarchy analysis method for ranking terms and parameters according to the degree of their objective impact on the organization and planning of the transport process in early wheat harvesting. The rate scale for influence power on the organization and planning of transportation in early wheat harvesting was the numerical estimate (from 1 to 9) of one parameter according to the other one. Dependent and independent parameters (options) that affect the organization and planning of the transport process are determined in the study. We suggest using Saati’s hierarchy analysis method in comparison with emerging conditions (measurements) for determining the weight of each of them in simulation modeling. The results of the calculation show that the environment (weather and climate conditions (rain, dew, hail)) influences on the organization and planning of the transport process in early wheat harvesting and they are 0.31; 0.22; 0.15. The received influence coefficients will be taken as a basis of the simulation model for the measurement of the force of the impact emerging conditions (parameters).
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