production capacity, tractor, energy efficiency, land plowing.Abstract
The study is devoted to the efficiency evaluation of land plowing by the tractors produced by LLC "MTZ" with production capacity in the range of 13 - 95.2 horsepower, on the basis of a comparative analysis of the estimated values of specific monetary expenditures for the implementation of land plowing, and analysis of indicators that characterize the energy efficiency of the equipment involved. The analysis of technical and economic parameters of the plowing plots and energy efficiency indicators of the equipment used is based on a number of statistical research methods, which include graphical, morphological and regression analysis. The article provides recommendations on the formation of a wage fund for employees in accordance with the category and class level of excavation work performed, and the general conditions in which these works were carried out. The recommendations on the selection of agricultural machinery (tractors) are suggested. On the basis of further analysis of technical and economic indicators, a formula has been derived, with the help of which one can calculate the unit cost of land plowing, at the known values of the area of the site, which is processed and the cost of the purchase of equipment and known normative indicators, which characterize the overall duration of the work. The result of the conducted research of technical and economic indicators is the provision of recommendations for the improvement of the design of tractors with a production capacity of up to 25 horsepower (“Belarus 132H”), to reduce the load on the main parts of the tractor and increase the speed value, with which you can plow from 2,5 k/h to the recommended value of 5,6 k/h. In the course of further research, recommendations were made regarding the selection of equipment, which is that the lowest costs for land plowing are observed when using a tractor with a production capacity of 25 horsepower ("Belarus132Н") and it will cost 35 USD/h, that is, provided that the motor-tractor park will be available from the entrepreneur.
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