eco-economic efficiency; land resources using; soil fertility reproduction; organizational and economic mechanism; farm.Abstract
Development of farms in Ukraine is strategically important for food security ensuring, creating jobs in villages, preserving and developing rural areas. Consequently, rational use of the land, being the main production means in agriculture, serves the basis for the farms’ competitiveness , and the management of eco-economic efficiency of using land resources of Ukrainian farms, at the same time, should become the main tool. The research bases upon general and special methods, application of which allows improving control system of eco-economic efficiency of using land resources of farms. The dynamics of reproduction of farms’ land resources potential is analysed by using the balance method. It is ascertained that through the 2012-2016 soils sustained a loss of 5.95 t/ha of humus, 9.3 centner/ha of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, 10.6 centner/ha of calcium, which led to the general economic losses over UAH 71.8 thousand per hectare. It is shown that a complex biologization of agriculture, reorientation of farms to the production of organic agricultural products generally facilitate preservation and increasing soils fertility, and also land clearance operations. Besides, organic agricultural production in times exceeds traditional one according to the indicators of economic efficiency , which regarding the increasing market capacity background makes it niche for farms. In order to stimulate farmers to eco-effective land resources using, the system of administrative responsibility of land users for irrational arable land usage was substantiated, which led to the deterioration in its qualitative state. Besides, this system is agreed with the effective legal support of the land and rent relations, agrochemical certification of lands and the farms’ taxation. For the institutionalization of a system of rational land use and maintaining the fertility of farms soils, it is offered to create in Ukraine the Public Foundation for Soil Protection, which would perform the main functions of cash flows administration and control of their targeted use.
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