investment; priorities; trends; markets; agro-industrial enterprises; necessity; development; efficiency.Abstract
The article reveals the concept and justifies the priority tasks of stimulating investment, which are closely related to the assessment of the current state and trends of the functioning of the investment market, the availability of investments adequate to the needs of the effectiveness of use. The article defines the terms of investment support for the development of agro-industrial enterprises. The research was conducted on the basis of a series of methods that allows to systematize, unify and determine the volumes, priorities and sources of investment for the further economic development of agro-industrial enterprises. It includes the following: theoretical generalization and allocation of priority investment areas, comparison of investing directions of agribusiness enterprises, analysis of the dynamics of capital investments by types of assets and the synthesis of investment volumes, abstraction and specification of investment attractiveness, statistical indicators for determining the patterns of development, relationships of capital investment sustainability , the autonomy of distribution of borrowed funds in assets and the level of efficiency of agricultural production. In the course of the conducted research it was determined that the decisive factor in increasing the return and profitability of agricultural enterprises is not the level of concentration of capital and investment growth, but their qualitative structure, their efficiency increase, use of funds for the introduction of an innovative model of development, application of the latest technologies, techniques, progressive forms of labor organization and management system. Taking into account that fact that agriculture is central to the food security of any country, the necessity to implement appropriate improvements in investment activity arises. This will increase the level of food security, productivity, efficiency, competitiveness, promote the economic development of agro-industrial enterprises and the national economy.
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