
  • N. S. Shevchuk


reporting, financial reporting, non-financial reporting, integrated reporting, concept of sustainable development, conceptual framework of integrated reporting, corporate reporting, international standard of integrated reporting.


In spite of the proposal of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) in 2013 on the structure of the integrated report, the question of the principles of its formation and the concept of integrated reporting in Ukraine remains open. The issue of trust in society and among stakeholders, based on Sztompka’s theory, is extremely relevant in the post-industrial economy. Consequently, our study is devoted to the analysis of the definitions of the concept "integrated reporting", its formation principles and conceptual bases of development in Ukraine. The research was conducted using a comparative analysis of scientific literature, questionnaires and surveys of 42 accountants of 10 enterprises of Khmelnitsky region, conceptual analysis, categorical and systemic approaches. The definitions of the concept of "integrated reporting" are systematized, the principles of its preparation are generalized. According to the results of the research, the authors consider the integrated reporting as a new paradigm of corporate reporting which provides information about the key factors for creating value at the moment and in the future through the presentation of financial and non-financial indicators in order to create a stable, functioning business. The main advantages and disadvantages of its formation in the Ukrainian institutional environment are highlighted. The conducted research reveals the absence of the regulating and methodological tools for the formation of integrated reporting in Ukraine, due to the availability of different types of reports and lack of understanding of their purpose. Through conceptual analysis, the conceptual bases of integrated reporting are generalized and systematized in accordance with international standards.


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