crawls, breeds, maintenances, feeding, cages.Abstract
Crawls from between other types of agricultural animals most fruitful, that at the favorable terms of ménage and logistic of products it is possible to attain a kind income. Methodology of researches envisaged the study of features of fur skin and meat breeds of crawls and productive internal’s at the organic growing. The bases of growing and supervision in the conditions of are private economies, at cages and enclosure-cellular maintenance. Crawls easily acclimatize in any climatic zone of Ukraine and they are conducted everywhere due to it. In individual peasant economies concentrated near the 98 % population of crawls. For today optimal directions of development of industry of the rabbit breeding are: creation of individual and farmer economies. Most distribution in our country was got by the breeds of crawls: grey and white giants, butterfly, silvery, dark-brown, Zelanian white, California rabbits. All breeds of crawls that grow in economies countries sent to the receipt of commodity products: meat, fur and hides. Main advantage of the rabbit breeding are an economy of areas and absence of capital apartments for growing of population of crawls, and also them quiet, quiet behavior is noiseless animals. The state of health, meat and quality of hides of crawls, substantially depend on the system of maintenance of crawls. For the valuable increase of crawls it is needed to use a balanceration. The valuable feeding of population of crawls provides high quality of products: meat tender and juicy, with the moderate percent of fat. For feeding of crawls forage of kind quality use only without the signs of spoilage, frost-bite and strong contamination by earth of root crops. For feeding of crawls will use rough forage, concentrates, root crops, premix and albumin-mineral additions and granular mixed fodders. Reference charges of forage on 1 kg of living mass of meat breeds of crawls 6–6,5 kg and fur skin and meat breeds of crawls 8–9,5 kg. Profitability of the organic rabbit breeding is stipulated by application of the perfect systems of maintenance, balanced ration and quality forage that allows considerably decreasing capital and operating charges in a rabbit-farm, and also adjusted logistic of products of the rabbit breeding.
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