



winter wheat, variety, biological preparation, processing method, weight of 1000 grains, protein content, gluten content.


In modern farming systems, the use of a significant amount of chemicals has led to the emergence of degraded agrocenoses, deterioration of the quality of grown products, so the introduction of biological products in cultivation technologies can partially reduce the chemical load on the fields, increase yields, improve product quality and generally contribute to the improvement of the ecological state of the environment. The aim of our research was to evaluate the quality characteristics of winter wheat varieties depending on the methods of using biologically active preparations in the Western Forest-Steppe. The article presents the results of field and laboratory studies of the effect of biologically active preparations: Trichodermin, Agate 25 K and PMK-ZR under different methods of their application (seed treatment, spraying of crops, seed treatment + spraying of crops) on the weight of 1000 grains, protein and crude gluten content in the grain of different varieties of winter wheat when grown in the Western Forest-Steppe. According to the results of three years of research, more adapted to the conditions of the growing zone and more productive varieties of winter wheat were identified. A more effective way of using biologically active preparation in the context of varieties was established and their influence on grain quality was mathematically confirmed. It was determined that the studied preparations and methods of treatment affected the weight of 1000 grains, with an excess of 0.1–2.0 grams over the controls. The heaviest grain was characterized by the variety of winter wheat Kubus, the weight of 1000 grains in the control variants averaged 45.3 grams over the years of research. However, Zdobna variety showed a better reaction to biological products, seed treatment with Trichodermin biological product contributed to an increase of 1–1.5 grams, and spraying of vegetative plants and double treatment (seed + sowing) – by 1.8–2.0 grams, while in varieties Ariivka and Kubus the indicator increased by 0.7 and 0.5–1.0 grams. It was found that the studied wheat varieties were characterized by different protein content, in the controls the indicator was by variety: Ariivka – 13.1%, Zdobna – 13.5 and Kubus – 11.0%. The greatest effect from the use of biological products was in the variety Ariivka on the variant of spraying crops and double treatment (seeds + sowing), the indicator was 13.8–14.0%, that is, exceeding the control by 0.7–0.9%. The results of the analyzes showed that the highest gluten structure content was in the Zdobna variety, and the lowest in the Kubus variety. The winter wheat variety Ariivka was the most plastic in terms of the effect of biological preparations on gluten content, as the excess of controls was 0.4–1.5%.


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